Monday, September 10, 2007

US Navy's Deadly Sonar Kills Whales

Did you know that U.S. Navy warships use underwater speakers during routine sonar testing and training that blast the ocean with noise in excess of 245 decibels? This sonic barrage is roughly comparable to a Saturn V rocket at blast-off. That onslaught is so intense it can drive whales to panic, to surface too quickly, and hemorrhage. Scientists have linked the use of mid-frequency sonar to hundreds of whale strandings and deaths around the world. The Navy is refusing to take commonsense measures that could protect whales from being needlessly killed by high-powered sonar.

Singer James Taylor is lending support to the current NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) Action Fund campaign to bring attention and public pressure to bear on the Navy to stop this awful practice. Please click on the NRDC link provided above to read what he has to say - and while you're there, sign the petition.

Although sea turtles are not specifically mentioned, if they're in the testing areas, I'm sure they're suffering too!

© 2007, Linda Mason Hood
Truffles, Turtles & Tunes Copyright Statement

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